There's A Solution For Every Project
With McLauchlin & Company’s extensive experience in renovations, effective reuse of space and space additions, our staff is focused on keeping an aggressive schedule, knowing time is of the essence.

A facility’s interior quietly speaks to everyone who enters and works there. The employee culture is exposed. Luxury, quality and comfort are all felt by the guests. And, the interior silently supports the efficiencies of the operation in an industrial space.
McLauchlin’s proven ability of quality construction, innovative approaches and value-added engineering are all assets in every project. With no project too small, we listen to each client and tirelessly work together to bring to life that intricate flooring, centerpiece stairway or any other artwork-like creations.
McLauchlin & Company’s expansive project work includes to following:
Give us a call at 352-873-3900 or fill out the form to get started!